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The GDR brings together academic and industrial partners

Club of industrial partners CNRS

The aim of the CNRS Industrial Partners Club is to provide better mutual knowledge between research and industry and easier access to information.

It must therefore offer, on the one hand, manufacturers who adhere direct access to a large pool of academic skills and, on the other hand, laboratories that participate in GDRs access to industrial issues. On this basis, the club makes it possible to activate a significant leverage effect: collaborations germinate, project arrangements (ANR, other national or European agencies, H2020) are managed, theses or other actions can be built and shine.

Resources will be requested from members of the Partners’ Club in various forms (annual contributions, organization of annual days including accommodation and catering as well as the loan of premises, etc.). This is an opportunity for the partners to increase their visibility on the activities that interest them, to access hierarchical and focused thematic information, to be associated with a strong scientific focus carried by the CNRS laboratories. The industrial partners of the Club will be able to participate at a preferential rate in events organized by the GDR and have access to the results and reports produced within the framework of the GDR in a private space.

Other actions can be carried out and defined together such as:

  • the definition of a roadmap in order to give GDR the industrial vision of research needs and to provide adequate answers in the form of both experimental and digital challenges
  • setting up industrial initiative seminars in order to work with academics on specifically industrial needs;
  • more rational organization of responses to the various calls for tenders existing at French and European level;
  • promotion of the best thesis or master’s work via awards from the CNRS industrial partners’ club.

Academic partners

Twenty five laboratories participate in this GDR

Industrial partners

Seven industrial partners or EPIC are participating in this GDR